The kindergarten children came to understand the story of Thanksgiving as a story of how people (The Native Americans) helped people who really needed help (The Pilgrims). Without the help the Native Americans shared with the Pilgrims, the Pilgrims would have perished. We discussed that it is our obligation to help others who are in need. We read stories that demonstrated real life situations about people who needed help, and those who helped them. In doing so, we realized, that it is not always easy for us to help, but that even when it is not easy for us, it is still our obligation to help! The children brainstormed together and shared their ideas!
I asked the children, who do you think needs "help"? The overwhelming response was "poor people!" "Okay, I said, who are poor people, and how can you help them?" "Poor people don't have money!" "Why do we need money?" I asked. "To buy food, and poor people need more money to buy food...or they need people to give them food." "So", I asked, "How can you help?" One friend suggested that they could do chores at home for money and use some birthday money to give for tzedakah! Or, "We can ask our parents to help us bake food for people!" "I could sell some toys that are in good condition, then I can have money to give to tzedakah!"
"Those are all such wonderful ideas. I'm thinking though, should we only do these things now because it's Thanksgiving time? "No, we always need to see how we can help other people!!" As we studied the Thanksgiving holiday, the children wrote about and illustrated their recollections and thoughts in their journals.
Of course, our study concluded in sharing a Thanksgiving Feast with all of Zimmer Preschool and Olam Academy! The kindergarten children worked together to prepare a yummy Apple-Cranberry Bread Pudding. From start (peeling and chopping the apples) to finish (cutting up the bread pudding to serve) the children delighted in the experience! We got to practice our measuring skills, along with peel, chop, cut, stir, mix and enjoy! Sharing this special meal with our family and friends was a wonderful way to begin our Thanksgiving holiday!
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