Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Pesach Story - A Puppet Show

The Kindergarten children culminated their Pesach learning experience by presenting to their families and friends: The Pesach Story - A Puppet Show. After several weeks of study, discussion, dramatic play, and Pesach games, the Kindergarten children were ready to showcase their knowledge in a fun and meaningful way. They loved the idea of presenting a Pesach Puppet Show. We discussed the characters in the story and then put the character's names in a bowl. Each child then selected a name of a character from the bowl, and our cast was known!





Jewish Slave…………….Tyler

Taskmaster #1…………Sholi

Taskmaster #2…………Nechemia

In order to write the script, each child helped supply the lines of their character. We talked about how their character might have felt,  and what tone of voice their character might have used. The children had a blast role-playing and developing the scrip in this way! But, we still needed the puppets! With the special help of Morah Batsheva, the children began to create their own puppets...from the paper mache head, to the outfit, Morah Batsheva and the children crafted some remarkable puppets!
On April 14th, the children presented: The Pesach Story - A Puppet Show.
To follow is their script! Enjoy!!

SCENE #1 – Moses is herding his sheep in the desert

Moses: One of my sheep ran away! He might be hungry. He might be thirsty. He might be lost. I am going to look for him.

There you are!!! …. But, what is that?

(Moses sees the burning bush)

There is a bush on fire, but it is not burning!

Hashem: Moses, Moses. … Go and tell King Pharaoh to let your people go! I did not make you to be slaves. I want you to be free to do mitzvot.

Moses: But, I am scared to go. Pharaoh is a really mean king!

Hashem: Take your big brother, Aaron with you to help you…and remember…I am always with you!!!

SCENE #2 – In Egypt, a Jewish Slave is dealing with mean taskmasters

Jewish Slave: I am hungry. I am tired. I am thirsty. I am so hot.

Taskmaster #1: Dig, dig, dig your shovel deep! Dig, dig, dig, there is no time for sleep!

Taskmaster #2: Work, work, work from the morning to the night! Stay awake and build those buildings right!

Jewish Slave: I am so tired. These bricks are so heavy.

Taskmaster #1 & Taskmaster #2: Work, or else we will whip you!

Jewish Slave: I am working, I am working!

Taskmaster #1 & Taskmaster #2: Work harder! Work faster!

Scene #3 – Moses and Aaron go to see Pharoah

Moses: King Pharaoh, I am a Jew and I want you to let my people go!

King Pharaoh: No, no, no, I will not let them go!

Moses: I am here with my brother, Aaron. Let our people go!

Aaron: Hashem wants the Jewish people to go. They are tired. They can not do good work when they are your slaves!

King Pharaoh: No, no, no, I will not let them go!

Moses: Hashem will bring consequences!

King Pharaoh: I am NOT scared!

Narrator:: The Nile River turns to blood!!

King Pharaoh: We need the clean water of the Nile River to drink and for our plants and our animals! Please turn the blood back to water and I will let your people go!

Narrator: The Nile River turns back to water!

King Pharaoh: No, now that the river is back to water…I will not let them go!

Aaron: Hashem will bring more consequences!

King Pharaoh: I am not scared!

Narrator: Frogs start jumping everywhere!

King Pharaoh: Take the frogs away, and I will let your people go!

Narrator: The frogs stop jumping and the frogs disappear. Pharaoh does not let the Jewish people go and the consequences happen 8 more times! Finally, after the 10th consequence, King Pharaoh agrees to let the Jewish people go free!

Scene #4 – The Jewish People Go Free!

Moses: Hurry everybody, King Pharaoh said we can leave!

Miriam: Take the timbrels. Take the drums. Let’s sing our praise to Hashem.

Jewish Slave: Quick, pack up! Let’s go!

Miriam: Come Let’s sing!!!

Miriam, Jewish Slave, Aaron, Moses: Thank you Hashem, Thank you Hashem, Thank you Hashem!

Aaron: Oh no! Look ahead. The red sea!

Hashem: Moses, take your staff and put it in the water!

Moses: Look, the water split so we can cross. Hurry everybody. Let’s go quickly!

Jewish Slave: Oh no! The Egyptians are coming!

Aaron: LOOK! The sea closed on the Egyptians. We are safe!

Miriam, Jewish Slave, Aaron, Moses: We are free! Thank you Hashem! Thank you Hashem!


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