Friday, May 6, 2011

Field Trips

The Kindergarten children and the Kitah Aleph class took a field trip to the Apple Store at the Bridgewater Mall.  The students got to work on a Macintosh desktop or laptop. Each kindergarten friend was paired with a friend from Kitah Aleph. At the Apple store they used the Keynote Program (similiar to Microsoft PowerPoint ) to create a slide show. The pair worked together to select one or two animals that each child liked very much. During the slide show creation they had the opportunity to:

* search and insert pictures

* use their writing skills to type information

* import various background colors to each slide

* import creative slide effects
  (words sliding in or pictures fading out)

* import music

With the help from the wonderful Apple store staff, all of the students were able to take their slide show home on a DVD. They even received certificates and apple t-shirts! What a fantastic field trip!

Our next field trip took us Fosterfields Farm in Morristown. The farm was owned by Caroline Foster, and today it is still a real working farm that uses the tools and equipment from the early 1900's. Although our day was damp and rainy, the children still had an exciting and interesting learning experience. One of our first sights, was a big pregnant pig! We can't wait to go back this summer to see the baby piglets!

From there we made our way to the hen house. We were lucky enough to feel an egg that had just been laid! We could not get over how warm the egg felt.

Next we got to vistit the cows. We learned how the cows were fed, watered and even how they were milked! The cows were so friendly, we really enjoyed petting them too!

The big horses do the heavy work on the farm and the children enjoyed petting them too!

But, what we could not believe....was the horse's really big teeth!

Transportation was quite a bit different in the early 1900's and we got to see howthe family used to get around......

The children learned about the many chores it takes to make a farm run smoothly. From cleaning the equipment for the horses, to churning butter, grinding corn for the hens and roosters and pumping water! It all seemed like fun to them!

Despite the rain, the children, their moms, and the Morahs all had a wonderful time!